How to setup a Serilog OutputTemplate and Console Theme
Sometimes it is hard to read a kestrel console log and find errors or warnings when you are debugging your app. With Serilog you can set themes for the console and it can color code what the important identifiers can be. But also you can format the order of the different pieces of information shown on each logline.
The output template would be an argument that you can use in the appsettings.json
and it would be used to show exactly what formats the logline from left to right.
Click here for more info on output templates
Also within the arguments block, you can set up a couple of different themes.
The one I enjoy is the AnsiConsoleTheme
it showcases the colors red for error and yellow for warning really well.
Click here for more info on console themes
So with both of these settings, you can combine them in a Serilog JSON object to output to a console.
Of course you can adjust the parameters listed in the outputTemplate to show the way you like in the logs.